Motion Commotion is a curated screening of animation and motion shorts. The screening will take place on Wednesday, July 10 at 6 PM at the Pour House (at the Lumber Exchange).

Many thanks to all who entered works into Motion Commotion, and to our Jury who carefully reviewed each entry. With a target to curate a 90 minute show representing the breadth of contemporary illustration, 77 projects have been selected out of 234 unique entries to screen at the event.


ICON12 Motion Commotion Selection List

Brooke Adams - “Spring Morning”

Julie Benda - “Little Trees with Leaves”

Lauren Simkin Berke - “February Flip Books 02, 03, & 04”

Louisa Bertman - “Elegy Ending With A Cell Door Closing by Reginald Dwayne Betts,” Desmond Tutu, and “Amanda Gorman”

Richard Borge - “The Debt Settlement Money Machine” and “Can We Engineer a Climate Fix?”

Zoe Botes - “For Every Need, For More Than A Lifetime”

Penelope Bowles - “There's Much to Explore in the City of Milwaukee”

Brian Britigan - “The Whitewashing of Missouri” and “Live Deliciously”

Racheal Bruce - “La Danse Peste”

Ryan Davis - “You Need Your Head”

Alexandra Dzhiganskaya - “Under the endless sky” and “Happy New Year”

Matthew Foltz-Gray - “Camping: Season 2” and “Carolina Wren”

Luke Gibson - “Suspended Animation” and “Greenglass Manor”

Logan Guo - “Catalano Square” and “A Hard Shell”

Madeline Haynes - “Life In Color”

Lars Henkel - “Nachtmahr (trailer for the release of the record "Nachtmahr" by Meret Becker)”

Lenora Hill - “Storm”

Cleonique Hilsaca - “Sweet Childhood: Lake at Dusk, Roadtrip and After School Nap”

Logan Himango - “Abiosis”

Stephanie Hofmann - “Twin Swans Promotional GIF”

Bahij Jaroudi - “The Breeze” and “Family, Love, War, Billionaires & Diet Pepsi”

Noah Jodice and J. Marshall Smith - “Good Girl Laika”

Maylee Keo - “Pace”

Maryanne Kuhn - “Doe Business”

James Kuwamura - “Contrast”

Miranda Larsson - “Solomon's Seal”

Christina Lee - “Super Rad”

Hanzhang Mao - “All About Love”

Courtney McCracken - “You Set out to Share a Big Idea and End up Talking About the Worms”

Ivan Miguel and Andy Camou - “The Untranslatable Forest”

Bella Mikkelson - “Aubrey Beardsley Google Doodle”

Dinara Mirtalipova - “iBlues Pop-Up Stories”

Lije Morgan - “Little Fishermen” and “Feeding the Seals”

Jeremiah Nordholt - “The Skater”

Chris Piascik - “Zero Flux Given”

Al Polston - “The Witch Hound”

Andy Potts - The Dark Universe”

Adeline Pumplun - “Reaching Stasis”

Greg Radi - “Love & Death”

Joseph Rogers - “HVAC World”

Meltem Sahin, Kylie Millward, and Sedef Ertem - “The PMS Project”

Manimanjari Sengupta - “Pond Life”

Chris Sickels, Red Nose Studio - “BoneShaker” and “Stay Skeptical”

Anna Sorokina - “Atlas Obscura Fantastic Feasts”

Teddy Stevens - “Foh Neh Tics”

Studio Muti & Lung - "Back to the Wild”

Studio Muti - “Los Magos”

Chandler Subra - “All Over the Place”

Cindy Suen - “Watermelon Smoothies” and “Blossom”

Michael Swearingen and Peter Steineck, Heck Studio - "Windbreaker”

Emily Switzer - “Crystal Abyss: Secrets of the Deep”

Merit Thursday - “Second Born Son: A Transsexual Documentary”

Anh Tran - “Grandpa's Garden”

Lessa Truong - “Scrunchie”

Julie Van Grol - “Word Hoard: A Study in Moving Type”

Kayla VanProoyen - “Mr.Hipp”

Neha  Viswanath - “Lead Me On - Animated Music Video”

Angie Wang - “My Love”

Jared D. Weiss - “Out of Pasture”

Raney Wilson - “Dress Up”

Annie Wong, Headexplodie - “Ovary Actions”

Steve Wood - “Trailer for The 62nd Annual Ann Arbor Film Festival.”

Dongyan Xu - “The Disagreement”


Emory Allen
Motion Commotion Juror
Jaime Anderson
Motion Commotion Juror
Eva Louise Hall
Motion Commotion Juror
Adam Osgood
Motion Commotion Advisor