
Portfolio Reviews are a great way to get the most out of ICON12. Sign up for an á la carte review to meet industry-leading art directors and creatives. Tickets will go on sale June 17th at 9AM PST / 12PM EST.
The review panel includes art directors from Mudpuppy, The Los Angeles Times, AARP Media, Target, Design House Greetings, Reddit, Netflix, TIME magazine, Axios, Fast Company, Wired, and more! Whether you're early in your career and seeking valuable advice or just want fresh eyes on your work, this opportunity is not to be missed. Reviews will take place on July 10th from 12PM to 2PM in the MacMillan Atrium at the Minneapolis Institute of Art.
As a nonprofit, ICON is committed to bringing programming to the community that is affordable. The revenue will cover a portion of the rental fee at the museum. ICON will match participants to reviewers; participants will not be able to request specific reviewers.